“Why Insurance Providers Partner with MJG Consutants”
Insurance providers partner with MJG CONSULTANTS to expand their service offerings, add additional revenue streams, and protect their clientbase from larger competitors An MJG CONSULTANTS partnership allows you to bring clients tangible, trackable, profitability tools that increase their profitability. This partnership will generate recurring revenue streams that will improve the financial performance of clients while adding …
“Why Insurance Providers Partner with MJG Consutants” Read More »
“Why CPA Firms Partner with MJG Consultants”
CPA firms partner with MJG CONSULTANTS to expand their service offerings, add additional revenue streams, and protect their client base from larger competitors. An MJG CONSULTANTS partnership generates recurring revenue streams that will improve the financial performance of your clients while adding value to your offering with a return on investment that will make your …
Understanding ERC
The employee retention tax credit (ERC) has been valuable for some, but seemingly out of reach for others. “It is a really powerful credit that at a high level seems pretty easy, but there are a lot of twists and turns to the implementation.” “There is a diversity of understanding, but there is real value in …